Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Ray of Hope

So often when trials and tribulations come our way, we look inward. What have I done to deserve this? What did I do for this to happen to me? So often, too, we don’t find the correct answers here.

The only thing to do when you’re experiencing pain, loss or troubles of some kind, is to turn to the Lord. There is always hope in the Lord. No matter how terrible a situation we face, there is hope for the future. God is still in the business of restoration and healing.

Deuteronomy 32:27 assures us that “The Eternal God is your refuge, and His everlasting arms are under you.”

In the popular and well known Bible passage, 1 Corinthians 13, which is read at many weddings, we learn that the summary of the Christian life is the triad (harmony) of faith, hope and love. Of course, the greatest of these IS love. If I have no love for my neighbour, for myself or for my God I ‘m in danger of becoming embittered. If my spirit is filled with negativity and pessimism, I cannot grow in faith; I have no hope for the future.

According to Romans 5:3-5, *our hope lies in the proven character that comes through perseverance*.

To follow the above [advice] is extremely difficult, no doubt about it. To push through when you’re convinced nothing will ever come right again, is a real test of faith. However, try to surround yourself with people who can edify and uplift you. Find a trustworthy friend to be your mentor. Sow in your time of need. For instance, if you’re struggling financially, help someone worse off than you with a little gift of money. If you’re feeling sad and lonely, visit someone who doesn’t go out much or receive many visitors. (An elderly person is an ideal candidate)

When you reach out to others and show brotherly love and compassion for your neighbour, God will bless you abundantly. He will also give you a sense of peace that passes all understanding.

Zephaniah 3:17: For the Lord your God arrived to live among you. He is a mighty saviour. He will rejoice over you with great gladness. With His love He will calm all your fears. He will exult over you by singing a happy song.

Faith in an all-powerful God is demonstrated by living one day at a time. Love is shown as principles of truth are demonstrated through sacrificial service to others. Hope carries us through the hard times as we depend on God.


  1. Aye, Toni, As if to reiterate my post, this morning I opened the daily inspirition I receive on email and it quoted Ps 62: 2 said: "God only is MY rock and MY salvation, MY defense and MY fortress; I shall not be greatly moved" Oh man, why do we doubt, why do we worry? (I speak to myself here!) We have God on our side, what can mere man do to us? Thanks for popping in. Off to see your post re Veteran's day. Hugs Jo

  2. Wonderful post!

    I have passed along an award to you (a different one).

  3. Hi flmom. I'll pop by your post to collect the award THANKS!! Hugs Jo


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