Thursday, October 1, 2009

One Year of Blogging

The old apple tree which hangs over my second pond in the garden is in full flower at the moment
Today my blog is a year old. I had intentions of doing an amazing post when I reached this milestone, yet now I don't have the time. I apologize to all my readers for not being on Blogger regularly over the past two weeks. I have read all you comments and thank you for visiting my blog (why do I feel as if I've said this before *sigh*) It's our last week at home in South Africa and in between getting my monthend administration up to date and leaving various projects in order for Debbie to do in my absence during the next three months, I'm cooking, tidying cupboards, enjoying the grandchildren and working in my garden. My husband and I also still want to travel down to the East Coast to visit his mother and her husband. We leave tomorrow and will be back on Sunday.

I have promised myself that I will celebrate my first year of blogging in fine style by doing a decent post later on. I will do this when I have arrived back in the Sudan around the 10th of October. Until then, I have to console myself with the odd post if and when I have time here at home.


  1. Sounds like you have a very busy life, Jo. Don't apologize about your blogging though. We all UNDERSTAND. There will be times when I won't be blogging much either. Just keep in touch when you can.

  2. Hi Jo,
    Happy First Blog birthday !
    Wishing you many more years of happiness and friendship.

  3. Congratulations on your first year. I understand how difficult it is to find extra time.
    I look forward to hearing more from you as your busy schedule permits.
    Sunny :)

  4. Happy anniversary, Jo! I'm glad I found your blog, because I've enjoyed getting to know you!

  5. Hi Jo. Happy Anniversary! I'm quite busy as volunteer lately . Trying to out reach because of the typhoon devastation in some areas here.
    Cheers! God bless.
    Take care.

  6. Congratulations on 1 year of blogging, Jo ! I wish you very many more wonderful years of writing ahead .....

  7. How terrible that life interferes with blogging! :)
    Don't worry about it. You'll have lots to post about later, and we'll look forward to it.
    Happy blogiversary, by the way.

  8. Happy First Anniversary, Jo.
    Take your time - I still have some older posts of yours to catch up on!

  9. Congratulations Jo for making a year of blogging. Mine is next week. Sometimes life just interfears with blogging. LOL
    Love you fluffy clouds for SWF. Have a safe journey.


Thank you for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave a comment. I appreciate your feedback. Jo