Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Precious Memories

Our older granddaughter at her graduation ceremony last Friday night. She received a certificate for humility, What a wonderful character trait to exhibit!
For the past year, dil Debbie has been homeschooling our oldest grandchild. You can read all about this on Debbie's blog here. For the past four months the homeschooling took place in my home.

During the latter period the headmistress of the local Accelerated Christian Education (A C E ) school invited Debbie to assist with the pre-schoolers on a twice-weekly basis. Not only did this complement her schedule perfectly, it also gave our granddaughter the opportunity to socialise and interact with other children her age. At the same time, our three-year-old grandson and 7 month-old baby gd had the privelege of attending "school" as well. I think our baby was the youngest learner at this school!

After the graduation ceremony on Friday night, the learners entertained parents, grandparents and other family members with an end-of-year concert.

These occasions make you realise how precious family is.

After the certificates were handed out to the learners, the play school and pre-primary school entertained us, parents and grandparents with a concert

Our granddaughter, the angel at the back of the photo above and the dancing angel, (also the tallest) centre, in all subsequent photos,
As "Head Angel" she had to lead the smaller angels and took this role very seriously

For more worlds click here.


  1. Making precious memories, for sure.

  2. So much to catch up with here! I am way behind but I've enjoyed looking through all your posts. So many great photos and lovely family shots. Congratulations on your forthcoming new additions!

    Your weather looks like it has been perfect for biking, I would love to experience your rides. I'll have to make do with your posts when you get the new blog set up. Looking forward to it!

  3. Hi Jo, what lovely photos.Homeschooling is not allowed here as far as I am aware, it is a legal requirement to send a child to a school up to 16 years of age.I have been reading about homeschooling on other blogs too.What a privilege to be part of your grandchilds education.

  4. Hallo Brenda, thanks for popping in.

    Hi Gennasus;) I'm glad you're back and also trying to catch up on blog visits and comments. The weather has been peachy for weeks and my only regret is that my hubby has had to return to work in the Sudan so our biking is on hold until he comes out on break in February next year!

    Wow, Peggy, I was not aware that homeschooling could be "illegal" Here it has become very popular and living and working in Africa I came across many mothers who schooled their children right up to Matric (or Grade 12 as it is known now)

  5. This is beautiful Jo.
    How wonderful that your daughter gets to involve the rest of the children in regular school. The home schooled kids I've met are always so bright and polite.
    Love the entertainment.

  6. She is adorable! You must have been so proud seeing her up on stage like that.

  7. Sweet photos of your granddaughter, Jo! Congratulations on her recent graduation, and to her Mommy for being such a wonderful teacher at home and assistant in the school.

    Homeschooling is wonderful! We did it for 18 years with our three.


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