Sunday, September 19, 2010

Living on the Edge

Early every morning and late in the afternoon we hang the budgies' cage on a hook on the balcony. These little birds of ours love being outdoors and Rambo (papa budgie) even mimics some of the birds who visit our bird feeder
Last week a young Red-eyed dove decided to sit on the hook above the cage. Rambo went ballistic and you could hear him telling his little family to stay calm, he is in control! (lol)
The dove was unperturbed at Rambo's hysterically screaming and sat on top of the cage. Rambo actually flew at the dove's feet pecking at them until the dove flew off. Rambo emerged the winner and hero of the day!

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The Arabic word for winner is al-Fāʼiz


  1. That Rambo is a protective father. ;)

  2. Oh how cute... Rambo is a good husband and daddy... He's doing a good job taking care of his family....

    Great post, Jo.

  3. hey rambo! good to cya!!

    Woof woof
    from Bozo
    Pet Pride

  4. He's not called Rambo for nothing! LOL
    Great pictures!
    ☼ Sunny

  5. Rambo seems a strong little feathered critter! Great story of a day in his life! And wonderful photos!

  6. Rambo is a fitting name for such a papa bird.

  7. Yep, we think Rambo is a very fitting name! Good for you, Man! Take care of your family!

    Sam and Mojo

  8. Well done, Rambo; you lived up to your name!

    He's a good little husband and daddy.


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