Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Thinker

Ginger, our adopted cat here in Kenya continues to thrive. He stays at my side if I'm working in the kitchen, sitting at the desk in my office or out in the garden. At night he sleeps on the end of our bed. Not bad for a previously discarded cat who has had to look after himself for the past two years!

For those who always ask after dear little Shadow, our Sudanese-turned-South-African-cat, soon-to-be-an-East-African-cat, within a month we'll collect him from the kennels and take him to our home in Marquard. When we return to Kenya on the 22nd May, he will be on the plane with us.

Now I wonder what the gentleman cat of Kimwarer Valley will think of the new arrival?

For more on pets, click


  1. Ginger is one contented cat! Hopefully he will fall in love with Shadow :)

  2. Ginger is quite a happy-looking cat there. When I look up "relaxation" in the dictionary, I should see this picture.

    I'm so glad that Shadow will eventually join you in Kenya. I'm sure he will adapt well and become fast friends with Ginger.

  3. Are you staying that long in Kenya that you can take Shadow over with you ? He also will be a travelling cat, lol !


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