Monday, June 3, 2013

Anonymous - grrrr!

For the past six months I 've had incredible trouble with anonymous comments. When I go out on break to SA, I don't post daily and this is when the problem worsens. When I get back to Tanzania, it's as if those anonymous "people" just hang on and keep commenting. It's become very irritating, to say the least. Out of ten comments waiting to be moderated, normally five are anonymous. Grrr. 

I don't have word verification on my comments but have changed the settings from "comments allowed from anyone (which includes anonymous)" to "comments from people with ID's". I hope this helps and I also sincerely hope that my regular or future visitors aren't blocked from commenting. If you have problems trying to comment on my posts, please contact me privately and let me know. 

On the home front, Ambrose has kept readers up to date regarding the kittens which we've babysat for the past two weeks and four days. Their yoomen parents arrived back from their break in South Africa today. When they came to collect their house key from me (I kept an eye on their home in their absence as well) they took the kitties home with them. They said they missed them incredibly and were thrilled to be home just to see their "children" (And this from a sixty-something couple who's never owned pets !) 

While they were here, I made a toy ball with a rattle inside. Although it's very amateur and my very first attempt at this, the kittens loved it! (BTW, the kittens have only been gone for a day, and we're missing them terribly!)

 My first attempt at making a toy ball for the kittens

The elastic attached to the ball, was a great hit. The kittens grabbed it and ran with it, bouncing and rattling merrily along behind them!

I'm also still helping Amanda make toys for children. While I manage to make one toy, when I arrive at her house, I see she has made about two dozen in the same space of time! Amanda, who's very encouraging, always tells me that she used to make toys for markets in South Africa and when you work for money, you tend to work very quickly! She also reminds me that while she sits and makes toys all day, I am running the Guest House, caring for 20 expats' needs; expats who make lunch hour in the dining hall look like a gathering of the United Nations (albeit made up of hard-working delegates!) supervise a staff of twelve people and also trying to fit in writing my articles for magazines! 
 Another rattly toy which evolved from my humble fingers 

I hope you're all having a great week already. We're on the home-stretch to going out on leave, so it's a great week for us!


  1. Glad I'm not on blogger anymore so don't have to deal with the "anonymous" comments which are usually spam. I'll bet you'll miss those kittens but will soon be visiting the SA menagerie.

  2. I've also struggled with it. Problem is that there is always a problem. If you put word verification on people complain that they can't read the words and don't comment, when you make it that somebody has to be registered then they complain that they don't know where and thus don't comment, and when you don't have anything then the spam rolls in. I've set mine that you can comment as "anothermouse" cause that is just what they are. My current setting of only registered accounts with no word verification seems to work for me.

  3. Sorry about your spammer problem, hope all is settled now. I sometimes get a spate of them too but always send them to outer Baluchistan with the spam button.
    Kittens just love those tinkling balls, great job Jo.

  4. I turned off anonymous comments a long time ago and it works for me. You should see quite a difference.

  5. I turned of the anonymous comments sometime ago. Usually it is spam anyway. It is so nice of you to help out with the toy making, cute rattle toy. You do sound extra busy with all the other work you do around the guest house! Have a happy week!

  6. That is some good hand-work there on those toys, Jo! You must have a lot of patience.

    I'm sorry to hear about the anonymous comments. I've blocked anonymous comments on my blog, too.


Thank you for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave a comment. I appreciate your feedback. Jo