Saturday, May 19, 2018

Doggie Critter with Mum

The weather has suddenly turned cold which caused me to buy a dressing gown. This is the first time I have worn a dressing gown in more than 30 years. But so be it. With long winter pants underneath and my fluffy sheepskin slippers, I am now warm when I get up and work around the house before going off to the shop. (By then, of course,  I've changed into my outdoor clothes!)
My new winter dressing gown, with my track pants just peeping over the stripey bedssocks and sheepskin slippers 

I'm joining Saturday Critters with Eileen here

Note: as this post is aired, I'll be on my way to a wedding: THE wedding of the year! Many hotels and resorts are offering viewing the royal wedding at their venues with cocktails,  cake and tea and lunch included. A group of friends have invited me to join them at a hotel in the valley. 




  1. that is going to be wonderful. i am watching the wedding, have been since 5 am, 4 hours and still watching.. bob did let me have the big screen TV this morning, there was a debate about it yesterday. we watch Megan in Suits and have for 8 years.. enjoy. and that is the best way to dress for cold weather.

  2. Great shot of your doggie and lovely looking dressing gown ~ keep warm ~

    Happy Day to you,
    C & Z

  3. Hello, cute photo of furbaby Skabenga and your pretty dressing gown. I usually call them robes? I watching the Royal Wedding this morning. It is chilly here this morning, does not feel like spring. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend.

  4. I only wear a bathrobe around showering times, but occasionally on a cold night I'll add it to what I'm wearing, since I don't use pajamas but usually just go to my boxers and whatever T-shirt I've worn in the day.

  5. The wedding was quite beautiful. Formal but those smiles made it a personal experience for the happy couple. Hope you had fun. - Margy

  6. JoI hope you enjoyed the wedding yesterday. I loved it and found it at times quite emotional. I thought the preacher was great and no one attending or no one watching will ever be able to say this did not hear the good news of the gospel. God works is wonderful ways.

  7. Hi Jo. It's funny that. Here you are half way around the world and keen to watch a wedding here in the UK. Up here many of us are sick to death of all the hype!

  8. Look at that black furry pup! Love your warm outfit, but it’s heating up here so I’ve put mine away. I hope you enjoyed the wedding. I watched a live stream from the comfort of my cozy bed.

  9. I loooove my dressing gown Jo, it's a bit like yours, spotty ☺ It's getting nippy in the mornings and evenings here too, we have to make the most of dressing gown and slipper opportunities 😀 The wedding was lovely, they make a good looking couple.

  10. We dress alike at home!!!! Love your furbaby.


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