Sunday, September 23, 2018

Playing with Missy

Hi Bozo and Mum's blog friends; this Ambrose to tell you how I enjoyed playing with Missy. Mum has emptied a box that had motorbike clothes in it; some of hers and some of our yoomen dad who's not with us any longer. I know he would've loved Missy so I've decided to play nicely with her. I hopped into the box and when she jumped onto it, the lids closed. I peered out of the gap in the side and also pushed my paw out while Mum took photos ! 

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  1. Cats and boxes (including the big cats) is a match made in heaven. (Google for Youtube and big cats in boxes.)

  2. thanks for the morning smiles, I LOVE these. Ambrose your eye and paw peeking out made m laugh out loud.. I know mom was giggling while snapping pics madly.

  3. Hello, the box is a fun toy to play with. Cute kitties. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and the new week ahead.

  4. You are so sweet Ambrose!


  5. Aww, so cute. I hope you both enjoy that box

  6. Funny how some animals love to play in Boxes Jo


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