Good morning, dear Blogger friends. 16 February 2017 was Grant's 66th birthday and his last earthly birthday.
This past Sunday, 16 February 2025, he would have been 74 years old.
I'm currently writing my blog from my cottage in the Drakensberg, Champagne Valley, Kwa-Zulu Natal; South Africa
Good morning, dear Blogger friends. 16 February 2017 was Grant's 66th birthday and his last earthly birthday.
This past Sunday, 16 February 2025, he would have been 74 years old.
Good morning, dear Blogger friends. Thank you for your comments and the welcome back wishes!
As the title hints, it has been two years since I posted a birthday celebration.
Thursday, 13 February I turned 72. Thursday midday I hold my Valley Weigh-Less meeting. I had intended to invite the eight current members to lunch at a local coffee shop afterwards. However, thinking about the various activities I'm involved in during a given week, I started inviting ladies from our Taigelates (tri-discipine exercise) class; ladies from our weekly coffee morning, ladies whom I am very close to at church along with the Weigh-Less members. The final count for lunch: 19 ladies!
I was thoroughly spoiled with gifts, potted plants and in two instances, cash. The latter came in handy when topping up my car's fuel tank on Friday morning.
Good morning dear Blogger friends. Well, this has been a very long absence. And what can I say, except I have been busy...
More about these two activities later!
Nevertheless. I intend to keep up my posts and blog visits. (I did the latter yesterday, before uploading this post!)
We're in the throes of the hottest summer yet. With thunder showers every week or so. Which helps!
Last week I arrived home at 5pm after my Weigh-Less Group in town. Nurse had mowed my lawn.
I HAD to drop everything and try to capture the absolute peace calm and lushness of my secluded little garden.