Saturday, July 29, 2023

Rainbow and a zebra

 Good afternoon, dear Blogger friends. Several weeks ago, just as the weather was becoming cold, I snapped a beautiful rainbow in the Valley. 

Thandi and I were on our way to clean The Bunker when I stopped to capture this beautiful phenomenon. While doing so, I explained to Thandi that according to folklore, if we could find the end of the rainbow (which was VERY close to the car as I took the photos), we would discover great riches. In her culture, mentioning a pot of gold would not make sense to her. So I said we'd find a basket of money - banknotes. I'd been telling her this while keeping my eyes on the camera screen. She was dead quiet. When I turned to look at her, she slanted her eyes at me and clicked her tongue. She definitely didn't believe me! 

As this photo shows, the end was quite close to from where I was snapping it! 

As we entered The Bunker property, we encountered one of the three regular visitors to the estate

Burchells Zebra

There are two adult zebra and a younger one. They seem to have wandered down from the nature reserve. As always when wild animals become tame around humans, they become a problem. The other residents on this estate regularly chase this stiped trio across the river boundary and into the nature reserve. 

The guests of course, LOVE seeing these interesting animals grazing on the Bunker lawn. 

I'm linking this post to Saturday Critters here



  1. I would love those beautiful striped guests for sure! Gorgeous rainbow. you can tell her the rainbow was made by God to promise he would never destroy the earth by flooding. found in the book of Genesis. She probably would not understand that either. It is amazing how many things we take for granted, like old quotes that we say alll the time, there are other cultures who have no idea what they mean. I did not have an awareness of this until i foudn all my world wide E-friends in other countries, races, cultures.

  2. Hello Jo,

    Beautiful sighting and photos of the rainbow. I always heard the tale that the leprechauns buried a pot of gold at the end of the rainbows. I would love to see a wild Zebra, I have only seen them in zoos. Great critter and photo. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  3. Rainbows are always fun to see!
    Great photo of the zebra!

  4. The Zebra is an unusual sight for me. It's a beautiful looking critter.

  5. I delight in rainbows whenever I see them. I would be over the moon with excitement to see a zebra. Or perhaps I mean over the rainbow.

  6. Zebras in the yard would be considered riches to many.


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