Monday, September 16, 2024

Eight years!

 Good morning, dear Blogger friends. Despite my best intentions, I don't seem to get back to Blogger once I've posted. Thank you for your kind comments.

Feedback on the Laptop. No, my old one is gone/dead/blown up. And I am still using the farm machine. It just wasn't in my budget to purchase a new laptop at this time of the year. 

However, at the beginning of August, I wrote in for a competition on the radio (I have no TV; I only listen to the radio) and I WON a considerable amount of money in vouchers!

Takealot is a website on which I could purchase a laptop of my choice. Angus has ordered it for me, which will be shipped to his home in the Free State. He will insert SSD, from my old laptop and One Drive and ensure that all my files are retrieved and saved onto my new laptop.  He will send it to me via Postnet another great service we have in South Africa.

WHOOPEE. Soon I will have my new laptop, called an IdeaPad. 

And then... you can see by the heading of this post, today 16 September 2024; we arrived here on 16 September 2016. 

 I have been in Champagne Valley, Central Drakensberg for eight years!  



  1. I am thrilled that you are getting a new lap top.

  2. Wow Jo! That's awesome news.

  3. Congrats on your winnings Jo! It is nice you son is able to help you get the new laptop set up! Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.

  4. A new laptop! Love the way you are getting it! Have not visited in a long time....hope all is well. Lori

  5. Oh what good news! Happy anniversary of 8 years in Champagne.

  6. Wow ! it's 8 years that you are in Drakensberg, time flies by so quickly, it will be a year in November that I am living in "my" castle !


Thank you for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave a comment. I appreciate your feedback. Jo