Thursday, September 30, 2010

How to pray Part III

To whom should we pray?

Prayer is to be directed to the Father, in the name of the Son, Jesus Christ and through the power and ministry of the Holy Spirit

When should we pray?

A) We should pray CONTINUOUSLY(also in busy times) Jesus tells us that we can pray for anything and if we believe we will have it. Mark 11:24

B) ALWAYS and without losing heart. In Luke 18:1, Jesus told his disciples (that's us) that we need to pray constantly to show us that we should never give up. (paraphrased)

C) At SPECIFIC times during the day as part of our DAILY routine. In Mark 1:35 we see that Jesus woke before the light of day and went to a quiet place to pray. In Daniel 6: 11b we see that Daniel prayed three times a day, giving thanks just as he had always done. (This was in spite of a new law decreeing that all should only pray to the King Darius)   

D) IN GROUP MEETINGS. (Short but powerful) Matthew 18:19&20 Jesus tells us: "If two of you agree down here on earth concerning anything you ask, My Father in heaven will do it for you. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there among them."

 I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need,Amen!   Phillipians 4:13

The Arabic word for who or whom is adh-Dhy (ha-dia)

Bless you all today and always.


  1. Hi Jo, Great post. George and I have a series of prayers which we pray every single day. I don't know what we'd do if we didn't take 30 minutes for our daily devotions... It's such an important part of our life.

    Thanks, Jo.

  2. What a timely post! That's what we, believers must do anyway! To pray incessantly. Thank you sister for coming by and praying for a precious sister in Christ. God bless you and protect you always and your family.

  3. Hi Jo,
    I came over here from Heather Joy's blog (Grow Up). I read your comment to her which said at the end that you live in Khartoum... and this attracted my attention.

    And so here I am, so delighted at having discovered your blog. This is a first for me - to visit a blog from the African continent...

    I have read around a bit. Your blog is heartwarming. Your words sound like you have an open heart, the kind that welcomes new friends, and makes them feel at home.

    Loved the pictures of your grandchildren. Definitely adorable.

    Will visit John and Debbie's blog now.

    Blessings from the Philippines,


Thank you for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave a comment. I appreciate your feedback. Jo