Life threw me a curved ball.
Twelve days ago, at 12.30 a.m. I had a bad fall. I cut my leg, sprained the foot and ankle as well. The whys and hows and what on earth, are another story for another time. I managed to stop the bleeding, disinfected it with sanitizer (we have lots around these days, don't we?) and put a plaster on it.
Feeling very shaken, even though it was the early hours of a cold winter morning, I couldn't get back to sleep. My internet works well from midnight to about 9am, so I sat, wrapped in my winter's dressing gown, heater at my feet, and worked at my desk.
For three days, I forgot about it although my ankle and foot were blue and painful to walk on. By Friday, I'd removed the plaster, not even looking at the wound. Silly, I know. It was throbbing badly at that area but I thought it was from the bad bruising. Ron offered to take me to the doctor, but I didn't think it was necessary. Silly me, again. I know.
Long story, short.
By Monday, I visited the doctor. He immediately asked why I hadn't come sooner. I said I didn't think it was serious at the time. I'd contracted a bad infection; had a huge haematoma and cellulitis.
He prescribed strong antibiotics, even stronger anti-inflammatory pain tablets. He dispenses so the gauze, antibiotic cream and crepe bandage with the meds, goes on my appointment . Fortunately. The medical plan I have pays for five doctor appointments a month so this was a great savings.
We have a retired nursing sister, Jenny, living in the Valley and she helps with home nursing. She was most supportive when I had bad dog bites on the same leg in December 2018 (there's something about my left leg which begs injury!) and after my major surgery in September 2019.
I contacted Jenny from the doctor's rooms and asked her to help with dressing the wound once we got home. Jenny was aghast at the sight of my leg. Ron was standing behind her and told her she'd offered to get me to the doctor last week already.
Jenny dressed it and sent me straight to bed. I have had to have it elevated since Monday. Today, Sunday, I am still in bed, with my leg up. And every morning and night I send photos to Jen to monitor it. She's been to visit three times as well and will pop in tomorrow, Monday to check it again.
I'm not a hypochondriac - in fact , I tend to brush health and injury issues aside as not important - so I'm sorry to post about this.
This has been a major lesson to me.
I have been to the "hot place" and back this week. With pain, frustration at my own shortsightedness, having to walk with a crutch; with concern that it might become worse. I will NEVER ever again, take a chance with an injury. I will NEVER ever treat a cut myself.
Guess who is THRILLED Mum is on the electric blanket with a bar heater alongside the bed?
Mama on top of my cupboard watching over me; Ambrose on my bed. I have to move him down to claim my space
Missy at my feet
Chappie is on the stool under the dressing table, at my left arm, as we speak!