Sunday, February 16, 2025

Two years on

 Good morning, dear Blogger friends. Thank you for your comments and the welcome back wishes! 

As the title hints, it has been two years since I posted a birthday celebration. 

Thursday, 13 February I turned 72. Thursday midday I hold my Valley Weigh-Less meeting. I had intended to invite the eight current members to lunch at a local coffee shop afterwards. However, thinking about the various activities I'm involved in during a given week, I started inviting ladies from our Taigelates (tri-discipine exercise) class; ladies from our weekly coffee morning, ladies whom I am very close to at church along with the Weigh-Less members. The final count for lunch:  19 ladies! 

We had our weekly Weigh-Less group at the coffee shop where
a member, Barbs, is the manager

C'est Moi at the helm 

My dear friends, Steve and Estelle arranged with the Valley bakery to have
 a personalized cake made for our celebration

Fun fact about the coffee shop decor: Steve, a renowned artist, and Estelle, decorated the walls with scenes from the local township, Loskop. The wall behind the organ in the above photo, is a sheet of painted corrugated iron. The scene depicts daily life in a bustling African township.

I was thoroughly spoiled with gifts, potted plants and in two instances, cash. The latter came in handy when topping up my car's fuel tank on Friday morning. 



  1. I hope you’ve had a wonderful birthday! 🎂

  2. A very Happy Birthday once again. It sounds like you had a great one! Enjoy.

  3. Happy Birthday, you and all your ladies are looking great and I love the idea for decor. yay for cash, m y favorite gift of all. great idea to combine meeting and your celebration

  4. Happy belated birthday, h ope you had a great birthday celebration.


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