Jesus is...
Heaven's peace for earth's strife
Heaven's hope for earth's despair
Heaven's prompting for earth's perplexity
Heaven's justification for earth's condemnation
Heaven's comfort for earth's sorrows
Heaven's salvation for earth's damnation
Heaven's life for earth's death.
In the hype and busy-ness leading up to commemorating Jesus' birth traditionally, let's not forget who Jesus is. Let us also remember what He is and can be for me, for you and for the world: hope, peace, life, salvation, comfort...
When I look at the photo above, I try to imagine how a father, mother (or in my case, this child's grandparent) would wittingly sacrifice her life to save the world. Imagine her in thirty years' time being tortured, beaten, ridiculed, and killed slowly by crucifiction. No, I cannot imagine that I'd be able to do this.
But God did it for us:
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son (Jesus, who this post is about) so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. God did not send His Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it. John 3:16 & 17
All we have to do is to accept this wonderful gift of eternal life: Jesus. Amen!
I'm so glad Ive found your lovely blog...hugs xxx