Friday, February 6, 2015

Saying Goodbye

During the last week at home in Mwadui, I had several farewells from the Guest House staff. 

The first group was Mary (my one house lady) Salome and Pendo, cleaners at the Guest House. Mary, as spokesperson, made a beautiful speech, thanking me for securing her and Pendo's jobs, and also having Salome to work for me when Regina (my other regular house-lady) was on leave. And they all three brought me kitengas/traditional cloths. 
 Salome presents me with the kitenga of her choice
Pendo presented me with a blue cloth
Mary drapes her gift around my shoulders

The next morning, Chefs Paul, Michael and Isaac arrived at my house. Paul made a speech about how we all worked together over the past three years, and then told me they had had a traditional skirt for me and a matching shirt for Grant. Unfortunately I left the camera on manual setting and Michael unknowingly took a fuzzy photo! 
Chefs Isaac, Michael and Paul presented me with traditional garb for me and Grant

Babu and askari Michael pose for a last photo
Bibi and askari Michael pose for one last time!
The day before the cats left, Michael sat with them to say goodbye
Everybody made a special fuss of Ambrose 
Later Regina took her sad leave of the cats
As I said, everybody made an extra special fuss of Ambrose! 

We're safely back in South Africa; I'll post again soon.  I'll soon be back to blog visiting again!

Happy Friday to you all!


  1. Such wonderful people and how nice of them to give you parting gifts.xx

  2. it is incredibly sad. i will miss michael and all the askaris as i know you will miss your life there and your friends there.

  3. A move is never easy and saying goodbye to friends is even harder!! Sending you lots of good thoughts, Jo!! May all go well for all of you!!

  4. Oh Jo, I am sorry that you couldn't stay there another couple of years ---but as you said, things just weren't meant to be. I know you will also be glad to get home. Glad you worked out a great way to get the kitties home... Glad to read that you are home now ---but I certainly enjoyed reading about all of the nice gifts you all received from your friends. I know you will miss them --and they will miss you...

    I do have a question (maybe I missed the post) though... Did all of the new puppies get adoped?


  5. I am sure they will miss you all very much ! You have done such a lot there !

  6. Hi Jo Glad to know you are safely home in S.A.. All the staff will be missing you and grant and I am sure you will be missing Prince and the pups.

  7. Hello Jo, I am sure it was very hard saying goodbye to all house staff and to your friends in Mwadui. You have wonderful memories and good times to help you thru! I enjoyed the photos, I hope all is well, have a happy weekend!

  8. this makes me so sad ... i feel like i know all of these people you worked with and loved.. the ladies are beautiful as are their gifts to you. i feel like i know you to and Michael i will certainly miss... i know they are missing you so much now.. what will happen to the albino school? will someone continue to help them?

  9. It must have been a sad time for everyone you left behind as well as for you having to leave this nice place and people.


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