Saturday, February 27, 2021

Visitors in the garden

 Good afternoon dear Blogger friends. It's been raining, raining and raining some more this week. The result is Skabby and I cannot get out for a walk, Not at all.

I delved back into my archives and found photos to post today. At the bottom of my garden is a shed where calves are sometimes held to gain mass. Noy for any dire reasons, but that they are in condition when they join the older cows who graze all day and are milked twice daily.

One morning a few months ago, I walked out onto my veranda to see two calves grazing on my lawn and in my vegetable garden. Skabby was just about to chase them but I called him and he came in immediately. 

As you see, Skabby was coming indoors (not willingly I might add!) and the calves were still in the garden 
Quite at home nibbling the tasty shoots in my garden

Gavin, the farmer, arranged for the farm hands to shoo the calves back through the hole they'd made in the fence and repair it. 

I miss our walks as much as Skabby does . While browsing through my pictures, I came across this series of photos of him swimming in the dam.

A happy dog!

I'm linking to Saturday Critters with Eileen here



  1. Hello,
    Skabby is so well behaved, coming inside as soon as he is called. The cows are cute visitors, but I am glad the fenced was fixed. The Labradors do love swimming, Skabby is a happy dog! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  2. I could almost hear Skabby protesting when you called him in. :)

  3. i would love to see those calves and the mamas too. and of course meet you and skabby and the kitties. we are hoping to find beau will like our pool. the pool water is finaly getting warm enought try it... only one of our other dogs loved water, our first one, the others would not get in it...

  4. Poor Skabby, poor you. I hope you can get some walks this week.

  5. The photos pf Skabby's unwillingly coming indoors, and those of his swimming, are priceless!

  6. Hope the rain will subside and you both can resume your walks. Nice pics!

  7. I used to have Golden Retrievers and they LOVE to jump into the water! Love these photos! Hope this coming week has good weather!

  8. Skabby knows they don't belong there.


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