Monday, May 16, 2022

All in a weekend!

 Good morning dearest Blogger friends. On Saturday Thandi and I cleaned The Bunker for incoming guests arriving on Sunday. I left the key in the normal drop box and we came home. 

I naively imagined the guests would be at the accommodation around 2pm. 

Not so. 

WHY do people leave leaving home, for a destination unknown, so late? 

At 6.30 last night the guest phoned me and told me where they were. I was appalled. They were still about three hours away. 

She phoned me several times telling me where they were. At one stage she said they were at a turnoff, which she named - so I said now you are 3km from the T-junction to Winterton. 

Twenty minutes later she phoned to say now they have Spioenkop Lodge on their left. My heart SANK!  I realized that they were going in the wrong direction! I said you should be in WINTERTON.  She said we were in Winterton and we turned and took this route.  

Oh dear.

I always send a pin drop and no one ever gets lost. I send a series of photos of where exactly to turn into my driveway; the sign saying The Bunker just inside the black security gate. 

I send specific images to show the exact entrance to The Bunker
When they arrive at the gate, they can see The Bunker sign inside

I told them to make a U turn and go BACK to Winterton. 

They finally phoned from Winterton at 7pm. I kept her on the phone until I was sure they were on the regional road facing  the Central Drakensberg.  

They phoned again from the T-junction (5km from where I live) and I told them to keep STRAIGHT.   She promised to phone me when she sees the turnoff to the Drakensberg Boys Choir School. This is 1km before The Bunker.

She DID phone from the boys choir school turnoff. I stayed on the phone as it was about 600m to the turnoff in the photo above. Then they PASSED The Bunker turnoff and I had to guide them back. This time, they went too far south and drove into the Highlands Estate driveway. I asked them to reverse and turn UP again. Mrs was peering into the dark and saying she cannot see anything when MR said: I can see the driveway with  the sign to The Bunker inside.  


 I guided them into the driveway, opened the gate remotely and all they had to do is follow the brick paved road onto the patio which is THE BUNKER. 

Of course everything is MUCH easier in the daylight! 

I personally felt as though I had been driving in the dark for six hours! 



  1. Aaargh.
    Glad that they finally arrived safely. And that you could breathe again.

  2. Hello,
    Oh my, it sounds like an adventure. I prefer driving in the daylight. Take care, have a great new week!

  3. this made me completely crazy just reading about it... your employment includes a lot more that I would ever think it would

  4. OMG, Jo! After reading how they did driving, I also felt like I was in the car for six hours. Yikes! I'm with you, if it's a new place, I like to leave early. Just never know what the roads will be like or if I'll get lost. Cheers, Ivy.

  5. I always try to be at my destination well before dark. But at least you arrived. ;)


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