Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Luncheon in June; High tea in July

 Good morning dear Blogger friends. This week is a short week (we have Youth Day looming on Thursday) I have no breaks: I am in the office three morning and I am doing Weigh-Less groups on Tuesday afternoon. On Wednesday morning, while in the office, I also run my four online groups. After lunch Thandi and I Thandi and I will clean The Bunker for guests after guests who have been in since Sunday and prep for the next guests arriving for the long weekend. 

On Friday morning I travel to Pietermaritzburg for business. After this is sorted, I will travel further south to Durban. I hope to have time to pop into the Weigh-Less Head Office and collect stock while meeting up with the staff whom I hear often on the phone, but do not see often. 

Friday night I will stay with biker friends in Durban North. 

The next day I am attending an awards  ceremony and luncheon for Avon Top Sellers. I am quite looking forward to this.

I fall into the Platinum Plus Achievers category

(Watch this space in case I get an award! Whoopwhoop!)

At the same time earlier this month, I received an invitation to a friend's 60th birthday celebration. 

I look forward to attending this birthday party! 



  1. Congratulations. With or without an award you are a winner.

  2. Hello Jo,
    You are staying busy with all your jobs. The award ceremony and the birthday party will be a fun time. Have a great day and happy week ahead.

  3. Have fun at each party and my fingers are crossed for that award

  4. Lots going on. The birthday invitation is lovely. Happy 60th to Stella! I know how busy you and I you deserve any award you might get, whoop whoop. Have fun on your journey and stay safe.

  5. P.S. I've been meaning to congratulate you on the success of renting out the lodgings and I'm wondering whether most of your guests are foreigners or whether they are from South Africa?

  6. You are one busy lady. I will bet you were awarded something. I need to catch up and find out.


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