Thursday, October 6, 2022


 Good morning, dearest Blogger friends. Thandi is back and business is brisk, The Bunker, always popular, has been so well occupied these past months. We are eternally grateful. Yes, Thandi too, as it means extra income for her when we work up at our holiday accommodation. 

As explained before, we share certain tasks, like making the kingsized bed. And afterwards we get on with our separate tasks. 

Thandi wiping the kitchen surfaces, tidying the utensil drawers and checking on the crockery

I polish and shine all the other surfaces, arrange rolled towels and chocolates, set up the continental breakfast, replenish the toiletries, load the WiFi, reconnect the DSTV and write out a welcome card for the guests.

After posting the pin directions and key retrieval information to the incoming guest, I always travel up the mountain to the large 14 sleeper house which I manage as well. 
The family holiday home in the early morning sun

The view from the house: the majestic Cathkin and Champagne Castle peaks



  1. You are both busy - but it must be very rewarding work as well.

  2. Hello,
    Both places look lovely, you and Thandi do a great job keeping the place beautiful. Prtty views of the mountains. Take care, enjoy your day!

  3. A beautiful view! Happy day to you, Jo.


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