Wednesday, July 19, 2023

A birthday gift...

 Good morning, dear Blogger friends. Although I'd known about this before Christmas, I kept it under wraps until I had confirmed the finer details with my generous benefactors.

In December last year, my sister, Rose and BIL, Pete offered me a trip to Spain, flight and all expenses paid, for my 70th. Not only that: knowing that I was arranging my birthday celebrations, Rose deposited a substantial amount of money into my bank account which helped towards the two parties I had. 

My beautiful sister, Rose 

I was 15 months old when Rose was born. And since that day, she and I have been as close as close can be. Even though for the past 23 years we have lived on different continents, with technology we still remain in contact on a bi-weekly basis. 

And... over the past six years that I've been forging a new life on my own, I always had the spiritual, emotional, and when I desperately needed it for surgery, financial support, from Rose and Pete. 

Early in March, I phoned Rose and together we decided on a date for me to visit. The departure date was to be 8th May. 

Mere South Africans mortals such as we are, need a Schengen Visa to visit Europe. Obtaining this is easier said than done! I applied online and was duly given an appointment in Durban on a specified date at an appointed time. There was a dire warning on the online application, that if I was late for the appointment, I would be turned away and have to start the whole process over again.  . 

Once again, in my trusty little car, and a file bulging with information on the passenger seat, I ventured onto the N3 and headed for the Spanish Embassy in the city center.  Here I need to interject I ALWAYS use GPS directions. This day I was directed to the correct street but in front of a Primary School. Starting my car again, I drove around the block only to be directed to the same address. Eventually I drove straight over a traffic light intersection where a young Indian gentleman was rattling a paper cup, begging for change. I stopped and said I would give him something if he showed me where the Schengen Visa offices were. Beckoning, he ran in front of me up the street and stopped at a parking bay. I parked and lo and behold: the Shengen Visa application offices were on my left. I tipped my helper handsomely and suggested that instead of begging, he should channel his energy into learning a skill, such as becoming a guide in the city! 

Only now did I think about my appointment and when I checked my watch, I saw I was 20 minutes late! Nevertheless, I intended to use my "vintage lady" guile and gain sympathy to keep my appointment! As I entered the small office a man and woman were deep in conversation with an efficient-looking clerk. I sat down as unobtrusively as possible and listened to the interchange. The gentleman, who seemed to be a businessman, was talking on behalf of the lady, who was obviously in his employ. 

After several minutes of dealing with this couple, the clerk suddenly looked up and asked me if I was there for an appointment. I said yes, to which she apologized profusely for having kept me waiting. 


Eventually the customers ahead of me were done and it was my turn. Still believing I'd been waiting; the clerk was most helpful. My forms were all in order; she took two photos with a Canon camera (remove earrings, glasses off, no smiling, please) and asked for my passport. After tapping my credit card on the card machine. she said my passport would be delivered to me (I stipulated my farm domicile) within 15 business days. There was no guarantee that the visa would be approved, and the cost would remain the same! 

I've applied for this visa before and was quite positive all would be in order. 
Elated at having completed the application process, in the lift down to the ground floor, I snapped a photo to commemorate the moment. 

This was Friday, the 31st of March. On Tuesday, the 18th of April, the courier arrived on the farm with a plastic envelope for Jo Hedges. Gavin, my neighbor, met the driver in the yard and as I was unable to walk**up there in a hurry, he signed for me and brought me my parcel. 

With my heart in my mouth, I opened the envelope, extracted my passport and flipped to the back page...

What a relief to have had my visa approved! 

(**see next post)


  1. You and your sister have the sweetest relationship, and hurray, you received your visa for the trip.

  2. I am looking forward to reading more. What a generous gift.

  3. That's a very nice Birthday gift ! I just realize that I haven't been on your blog since a long time. It seems that you have adjusted well to your new life as a widow. That's great, it is not easy. Rick died a year ago and it's only know that I realize that he will never come back. Last year I have been so busy with all the administration papers, then the succession, which was so ridiculous. I inherited everything as I am his widow, but still I had to fill in tons and tons of paper, finally I took a notary ! Imagine I had to pay a tax on Rick's part ! A shame. The children get nothing only when you die ! Now all this is over and I am in the beautiful apartment which I had rented for the both of us. And now I sit here alone. I feel like a plant that has lost its support. I had forced myself to do a river cruise but had no fun, Now that I am 80, my friends have almost all disappeared, or they are dead, or they have lost their minds it's really sad.
    I don't recognize myself anymore. I have no energy and on top I suffer from allergies now ! I had never been allergic in my whole life. Rosie, now 16 shares my life and likes to live in an apartment ! Have fun in Spain ! It's very hot there over 40°C !!

  4. SO happy all worked out for you!! So stressful getting passports...

  5. Hello,
    They really make an ordeal out of something that should be easy. I am so glad you received your visa. We are hearing there is a backlog of processing passports here, my hubby needs a new one due to his expiring soon. I am looking forward to seeing your trip photos, what a great gift. Take care, have a great day!

  6. you look SMASHING! love your belt. I do hope you got that trip to Spain to see your sister. you are blessed to have her. my mothers sister was more like my sister than my aunt and she bailed me out of two disasters with cash twice. i was blessed to have her. waiting for the next installment

  7.! I held my breath so long and was gasping by the end so thankful it worked out! When will you go Jo? Spain is awesome BTW
    Mary -

  8. What a wonderful story and a great happy ending.

  9. Passports can be quite a hassle.

  10. So glad the paperwork went through without a hitch.


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