Saturday, February 17, 2024

Teeny green critter

 Good morning, dear Blogger friends. 

Thank you all for the kind words and future good wishes for my little car. 

Several other events have taken place since I posted this, but firstly I'd like to share rescuing a very small grasshopper just recently. By the photos you can see it is miniscule and by the photos of the glossy starlings on the lawn enjoying Skabby's leftover bone, you'll agree I managed to save the grasshopper's life. 

He would have been fodder for the starling, but I inadvertently supplied an alternative snack for the bird...

The tiny grasshopper...

...perfect in every way...

Glossy starlings often land on my lawn and nibble at Skabby's leftover bone.

I'm linking toe Saturday Critters with Eileen, here

Happy Saturday to you all!  


  1. Hello,
    I am sure the grasshopper is breathing a sigh of relief. Thanks to you for saving him from the Glossy Starling. They are pretty birds! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a wonderful weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  2. We have a lot of grasshoppers here and I know the birds have plenty to eat! Enjoy your weekend and thanks for sharing this tiny delight!

  3. he/she is adorable, so tiny and cute and GREEN.. glad you rescued him to show us..... yum. i had friends many years ago that used to eat canned, chocolate covereds grasshoppers, crickets and ants. NOT me for sure

  4. It will live another day. Sweet photos.


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