Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Suffer the little children... Kenya

Pure and lasting Christian love in the sight of God means that we must care for orphans and widows in their troubles...James 1:27a

Continuing my post on the plight of children all over the world in general, and in Kenya in particular, at this time, firstly I'd like to thank the faithful readers who visited Penny's (Joyful) post and responded with help. Thank you and THANK GOD for people like you.

Since coming to Kenya, I have seen the many children wandering around the district roads, unsupervised. Grey with dust, the girls in faded shift dresses and the boys in tatty shorts and grubby shirts. Often these little ones are as young as our youngest little girl, Bethany (drinking the bottle in above family photo) who will be two at the end of this month. Where do these local children live? Where do they come from? Where are they going?

During the last week, however the case of little Kigen has really touched my heart. I 've been in texting contact with Penny's friend and volunteer on the mercy mission, Jonah who is at the hospital in El Doret with Kigen. Do please read Penny's latest update on the mission. This is a heartening post about the care and love Kigen is receiving in El Doret hospital (no queueing, which was a Godsend, to say the least) and the courage of this small boy.

I wracked my brain on how I, apart from praying specifically for this child,  could help. I tried to get my bank in South Africa to send a donation to the account which Penny is using for the purpose of helping this child and his parents while in hospital.   My bank manager is out of office and replied he'd be able to help me later this week. So I went back to Penny's blog and saw that I could send funds via PayPal. Viola! It's secure, quick and hassle-free.

Penny also explains the need for the funds and how your donation will be appropriated correctly. If God has moved you to help Kigen, through Penny,  here in Kenya in any small way, I pray His richest blessing and peace over you.

While this mercy mission is happening 92kms away (up a steep mountain gravel road) in El Doret, this morning Sue and I went to the fruit and vegetable market in the village. On the way we passed a man walking along the road carrying a little girl. HIn fact, he was stumbling along more than walking. The child's head lolled on the man's shoulder so Sue told our driver to stop. She asked the man if he was going to the company clinic and where he'd come from. He said he came from a village up the mountain on the way to El Doret. He had walked about twenty kilometers while carrying this child who was very ill. There used to be a clinic up in his village but it had been mismanaged over time and now stands empty. The only clinic in the entire  Kimwarer, Keirio valley is the one run by the mining company. The local people pour in to use it. We loaded the man and child up and drove him the remaining four kilometers to the clinic where he will receive excellent treatment for his child. Sue tells me that management has set aside funds this year to upgrade and enlarge the mine clinic to include a small hospital facility.
Last month I took this photo of Kimwarer Keirio Valley from  the mountain pass between the mine and El Doret. The father and child came from a village much higher up - far behind me as I stood on this ridge - and walked all the way down to the mine  which is visible in the middle left of the photo.  I have done this return trip on two occasions since being in the valley. To go shopping. A joy ride in an airconditioned four-wheel vehicle. It takes so long by car,  I've been exhausted after each journey. Imagine WALKING most of this gravel road while carrying a child. Imagine. My stomach muscles contract just thinking about it...

BTW, I add our own grandchildren's photos to these posts about children because EVERY child needs love, care, nuturing, protection and succour. More so those without a conventional roof over their heads and decent food and protection.

Thanks for everyone who has made so many lovely comments on my blog over the past week. For our wedding anniversary, about the day I spent with the cat, (sad? Naaah, I loved it - so did Ginger!), on my post about our children who have their grandmother to stay and also about this sad case of a Kenyan child in need of urgent medical attention.

Bless you all!


  1. Jo, we also have children who wander the streets in dirt covered rags. Once, my youngest son and I gave some money to a little girl. Later, when looking out a window, we saw her being beat up by her older brother because he wanted the money she had received. We were new to Cairo at that time. I asked someone if there was anything we could do, and they said "no, it would probably just make things worse for her." So, so sad. Thanks for your posts on these types of things and keeping us informed of ways we can help.

  2. Dear Jo, tears spring to my eyes as I read your heartfelt post. Tears of gratitude for friends like you who are spreading the word and doing everything you can to help Kigen. Thank you for that!

    I also have tears of relief that you and Sue came upon the man whose daughter needed help. Oh how happy I was to read that his little girl will get excellent medical treatment at the facility run by the mine.

    I have tears of sorrow too for the many children who will go without today; without medical help and without comfort or love. If we, in our own comfortable worlds, could reach out and touch one child or person, how much better it would be. If we can help one, like Kigen, or another whose name we may yet learn of, please, let us step forward and do it. Especially those of us who are in the "family of faith". Let us never grow weary in showing the light and love of God in us. Jo, thank you again from the bottom of my heart for what you are doing to get the word out and for everything you do. You truly are a special person. Thank you to your readers; especially those who are praying and those who have given. May God richly bless them and give them favour.

  3. It's heartbreaking how much real suffering takes place all around us each and every day! And, unfortunately, the disparity between the HAVES and HAVE NOTS just seems to get wider and wider. Look at the excess all around us. It seems so unfair and wicked. However, all any of us can do is our own little bit at every opportunity that presents itself within our own communities. It's just not possible to save the world, however hard that may be to accept. Through your blog, I know you're making a difference, Jo and obviously, through taking real action, too. Bless you!

  4. As a Mum and a woman i find it a really heartbreaking issue and i am always horrified of how many children are suffering in the world, both in developpping countries and industrialized ones...

  5. Very nice behaivour I congrulate you,in addition to I congrulate wörld womens day,stay well,regards

  6. Well done Jo. The children in need will be all the better for your kindness and message you send out about their plight. It really tugs the heartstrings to hear and see what some children have to endure, even in so called civilised societies. There should be more like you, Sue and Penny.

  7. Jo, just today I caught up on your posts and I was moved by the story of Kigen and the outpouring of donations and help he is getting from people who've read about his condition. I am praying for complete recovery and health for little Kigen. What a praise to God for his providence for Kigen and his family via the internet!


Thank you for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave a comment. I appreciate your feedback. Jo