Monday, June 8, 2009


My prolific pomegranate tree (above) yielded plenty of delicious fruit this year

The pomegranate (Punica granatum) is a fruit-bearing deciduous shrub or small tree growing to between five and eight meters tall. The pomegranate is native to Southwest Asia and has been cultivated and naturalized over the whole Mediterranean region since ancient times. It is widely cultivated throughout other parts of the world and is used typically in Arizona for juice.

In the Northern Hemisphere, the fruit is typically in season from September to February. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is in season from March to May.

Pomegranates ripening in the late summer sun

The edible fruit is a berry (believe it or not) and is between a lemon and a grapefruit in size, and has thick reddish skin and contains around 600 seeds. (I wonder who counted?) The seeds and surrounding pulp, ranging in color from white to deep red and even purple, are called arils.
As the fruit bursts open, you know it's ready to pick and enjoy. (Just make sure you're there before the birds!)

Why am I posting all this? Because I have two mature pomegranate trees in my garden which always yield plenty of fruit at the end of summer. Pomegranates, which became the vogue in our fresh produce shops last summer, are delicious but messy. I always don an apron when I scoop the pips from the pomegranate else I find I have pink spots all over my face, clothes, hair...
Pomegranates are only ripe and ready to pick, when they burst open. Then it's a mad dash to collect the fruit before the birds, such as this Cape White-eye above, get to them first.
A piquant and colourful salad made with pomegranate, cucumber and feta cheese

Apart from using these succulent pips in my health breakfast, which you can read about here, and enjoying them as a fruit, I also discovered a salad using pomegranate pips.

All you do is to scoop out the required amount of pips into a salad bowl, add chopped cucumber and a few blocks of feta. Viola! A different, colourful and piquant salad to enjoy with any main dish.


  1. My oldest would enjoy visiting you because he loves pomegranates! He says they are like little rubies that burst in your mouth. :o)

  2. Absolutely like rubies, Kim. Tell your oldest he's welcome anytime! I trust you are keeping well? thanks for popping in. (((Hugs)))

  3. Wearing an apron to eat a pomegranate--now THAT'S a good idea! I never choose them because of their staining. . .

    Thank you for your sweet, sweet comment on my blog. I was so touched.


  4. Hi Jo we don't have that here.
    How I wish I could try your delicious cooking:)

  5. What a bounty of healthy antioxidant fruit you have there! The salad looks delightful. Wish I could grown poms here, but it gets too cold in the winter. My son & d-in-law have a pom bush by their house in Santa Rosa, CA whose fruit we enjoy in the fall.

  6. Oh that salad looks so good! I'm going to try one like that.

  7. Hi 45+ and Aspiring;) Yes, it's the only way I could have my cake, er, pomegranate and eat it! It's always a pleasure visiting your blog. You go with your writing. It is cathartic and I will buy your bestseller when it's published! ((Hugs))

    Hi Regina;) I'm sure you have other delicious fruit we never see here. Thanks for visiting.

    Hi Pat;) yes, we sure are blessed to have this delicious fruit available here in our cold and dry part of the country. Thanks for your visit.

    Hi Hip Chick;) it IS delicious - try it and enjoy!

  8. I love pomegranates.

    I could almost taste them looking at your photographs,


  9. Yes, GG, they are so succulant and shiny - very edible!


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