Monday, September 16, 2024

Eight years!

 Good morning, dear Blogger friends. Despite my best intentions, I don't seem to get back to Blogger once I've posted. Thank you for your kind comments.

Feedback on the Laptop. No, my old one is gone/dead/blown up. And I am still using the farm machine. It just wasn't in my budget to purchase a new laptop at this time of the year. 

However, at the beginning of August, I wrote in for a competition on the radio (I have no TV; I only listen to the radio) and I WON a considerable amount of money in vouchers!

Takealot is a website on which I could purchase a laptop of my choice. Angus has ordered it for me, which will be shipped to his home in the Free State. He will insert SSD, from my old laptop and One Drive and ensure that all my files are retrieved and saved onto my new laptop.  He will send it to me via Postnet another great service we have in South Africa.

WHOOPEE. Soon I will have my new laptop, called an IdeaPad. 

And then... you can see by the heading of this post, today 16 September 2024; we arrived here on 16 September 2016. 

 I have been in Champagne Valley, Central Drakensberg for eight years!  


Sunday, September 1, 2024

A rejuvinating break

 Good morning dear Blogger friends. Well, here I am again, after ANOTHER long break. 

I'll pedal back to the second half of June After having my wing mirror repaired in Ladysmith, I headed for the Free State, I was on my way to spend time with Angus, Amanda and my three grandchildren in the great city of Bloemfontein. 

After a five-hour, uneventful road trip, I arrived at their home in the suburbs just after 5pm.  Although I had taken leave from the farm office and my Weigh-Less job, I was still working online. When I stopped for a break in a town two hours before my destination, I saw several messages on my WhatsApp with new members applying to join my online Weigh-Less group. After supper, and catching up on the news, I fetched my laptop, opened it and turned it on.


A black screen.

My worst nightmare!

Angus checked it for me and also couldn't get it started. Oh whey.  He said he would take it to their IT man the next day. He then set me up on an extra laptop and so I could continue to work. 

Angus and Amanda both gave up their jobs in the corporate world and work from home. The children, 14, 12 and nine are homeschooled. 

Every morning Angus disappears into his office (just off the master bedroom) and teaches English online to foreign students. Once Amanda has set up each child with their work for the morning, she works online doing research for companies. She is also an Avon representative and has recently joined a company selling health suplements. 

I sat in the same air space as Amanda and worked at my Avon, accommodation and the ubiquitous Weigh-Less business. At one stage I got up to stretch my legs and wandered around their house checking on the children. Including Angus' (who works behind closed doors), I counted eight laptops humming industriously. 

Joel, Abby and Liam, my three grandies in Bloemfontein
Liam doing his school work 
Amanda assisting Abby in some task
Joel at his laptop, doing his schoolwork

Amanda making choc chip cookies in their well appointed kitchen
Angus baking sweeet potato chips for dinner
Liam, the littlest Hedges 

Of course, in due course it was Saturday, and I wanted to do the local Parkrun. Angus was registered at the nearby Innibos (translated In the bush) Parkrun. 
It was Angus's second Parkrun ever. 

When we got home, Amanda asked if I would like to visit the Farmer's Market which takes place every Saturday, Oh yeah! What woman doesn't enjoy wandering between stalls and browsing.

When we arrived home, Angus had had a message from Armand, the IT guy who was checking up on my laptop. He said the base (engine?) motor was covered in hair. I insisted this is from my carpeted office. He said he could repair it at a small cost. I told Angus to have it done. 

On Sunday we all attended church where Angus does the sound from the rear of the hall, so Amanda and I sat together facing the stage. She normally is on stage as part of the music team, but she had had surgery on her jaw and was taking a break.

The following week we continued to work as a family in the house. Not one person got in the way of the other. No one raised an eyebrow, when I got into the kitchen and made a batch of scones with Amanda's gluten free flour. I also made a large dish of cauliflower/broccoli cheese for supper. 

On Thursday morning, I visited one of the Weigh-Less venue groups. I sat and chatted to Hester, the Group Leader and Ruth her Group Assistant while members arrived in between to be weighed before they went off to work.
Jo and Hester

Back home, Abby and cousin, Chloe were making chips for their brunch. Amanda's siter lives in the city too, and the two families enjoy times together

And then it was Saturday. And another Parkrun opportunity.
Angus and I drove little further this time and did the Brandkop Parkrun. 

On the way home, he stopped to refuel his car and I realized that we had not had a photo. Angus took a selfie right there at the filling station

My fifth away Parkrun, and Angus third! Brandkop (translated Burning head) 

Then disaster struck. 

Armand contacted Angus and said, although he had tried everything possible, my laptop was completely burnt out. 

After a lovely, restful ten-day holiday with the family I drove back home that day. 

All was not lost, back at the farm, we have an old laptop which I use for work. And with today's technology, Angus came through remotely on Anydesk and showed me where all my information was stored in One Drive.

Aaah. I continue to work in the farm office on this laptop; Ron agreed I could use it personally in the interim; then I come and work on it at home. But oh whey. It is SOOOO very, very slow.

Meanwhile two weeks ago as Skabby and I had finished Parkrun here at in Winterton, Angus sent me a photo of him and Abby. Her first Parkrun. 
Mmm. I like to think that I have influenced them to enjoy this great Saturday event. 

Abby's first Parkrun with Dad Angus