Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The big six-oh!

Today is a big day in my life: I've turned 60 and thankful for a long and happy life so far.

Living away from home, I couldn't look for old photographs of me as a little girl. I scrolled back in my archives on computer and managed to find one of me and Grant (we've known each other since forever!) taken in July 1969. I was 16 years old and Grant was eighteen.
Jo 16 and Grant, 18 in 1969 in Durban, South Africa

Grant and Jo, 44 years later in Shinyanga, Tanzania, East Africa

Today, I am being blessed with sharing a tea and yummy eats at the Client Guest House with a dozen ladies from Mwadui. Friends Tilla and Amanda have helped me cater by baking a grenadilla (passion fruit) cake and Lemon Meringue Pie, respectively, while the staff in our Guest House kitchen has made one tray of savory snacks and one of mini-donuts. The Client Guest House kitchen staff has made me a selection of delicious sandwiches. 

I wish you could all join me for my birthday party, but failing that, I'll take many photos and be back to share all here with you tomorrow. 

I hope you're all having a wonderful week. 


  1. Congratulations on your big 6-0 birthday dear Jo. It sounds like you've had a wonderful life so far and I'm sure it will continue. I wish I could be there to celebrate with you and all your friends. Hugs. xx

  2. Happy, Happy Birthday, Jo!! I love the photos of you and Grant!! You look as good now as you looked in 1969!! To me you are both still the young ones -- I'll be 80 in a couple of months!!! But believe me, it only gets better!! Holding good and happy thoughts for you both!!!

  3. Happy birthday Jo-Anne. From Ouboet.

  4. Happy Birthday, Jo! I would never have thought 60, you look great! Hope you day was wonderful!

  5. Happy Birthday Jo!! May it last Forever...

  6. Happy Birthday, Jo! I so wanted to send you birthday wishes before you even had time to post about it, but it's that darn thing called the Time Zones! :)
    Sounds like you'll have a wonderful day, and you certainly deserve it. You're such a lovely person! And I love the photo, too, of you and Grant! How fun that you've been together for that long! Hugs...

  7. Happy Birthday Jo, enjoy your celebration, it sounds like fun!

  8. Wow 60 ! Welcome to the club ! I will leave it this year and enter the 70th club ! Love the picture of you both a few wrinkles more, but that's it ! You still have the same faces !

  9. I am so late in wishing you a happy birthday, Jo! I feel terrible in neglecting reading your blog for over a week. Now I will remember that your birthday is just 2 days after mine! HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY, dear Jo! I've been reading all your most recent blogs (today is Feb. 19th for me) and it sounds like you have had an absolutely lovely extended 60th birthday celebration. You are well loved by many people, I can tell.


Thank you for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave a comment. I appreciate your feedback. Jo