I'm currently writing my blog from my cottage in the Drakensberg, Champagne Valley, Kwa-Zulu Natal; South Africa
Friday, July 31, 2009
Sunrise over Guinea, West Africa
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wherever your treasure is...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
My Trip Arrangements Continue
Now, any South African (and probably many bloggers from across the world) will relate to the effort I’ve had to put in to renew my passport. Last week on Thursday my husband Skyped me and reminded me that my temporary passport might be at Home Affairs. (I’d just about forgotten but my husband is so excited and keen for me to come up he had NOT forgotten, LOL) I duly telephoned the offices and was told there was no application in my name. I replaced the telephone, took a deep breath and dialled the Home Affairs number again. I asked the switchboard operator to put me through to passport collections and contrary to the first operator’s question of” when did you apply? Oh no, there’s nothing in your name...” he merely put me through to a back office (I presume) I gave the lady my identity number which she obviously punched into her system and said there was still no temporary passport issued in my name. However, she said she would follow it up with head office and asked me to phone her back at 4pm that day.
Once again my husband Skyped me at 5 to four and asked if I was going to phone Home Affairs about my passport. (I was glad he couldn’t see me blushing because I’d just about forgotten AGAIN!) When I phoned the lady in question (I’d taken down her name) she said she’d spoken to her supervisor and together they’d decided to issue my temporary passport without having the thumbprints verified (which was the reason why my temporary passport wasn’t issued on the day I applied for it) She said I could come and collect it on Monday. Although I was thrilled about my passport being ready, I had to wonder why suddenly I could get it without my thumbprints being verified. This makes me think that when I applied for this document on 16th July and my thumbprints didn’t show up on the computer, they did show up later when this clerk verified them.
On my return trip, I was first at the traffic control post and managed to get some photos
If you’ve seen my previous post you’ll know that to collect any identification documents from where I live, entails a trip of 120kms/75 miles. Normally this trip along one of our National highways takes me an hour. However, there has been serious road works for the past three years and you can expect to stop and wait at two traffic controls for a minimum of 25 minutes each. On Monday I waited twenty minutes at the first traffic control and fifteen minutes at the second.
Once I’d done some shopping while in the city, I drove back home. Yes, along the same route with the “Stop/Go” detours. This time I took many photos. At the first stop, I was first in line. I decided to photograph the lady who operates the communications system between the two points. Obviously she tells the other operator which car is first and which car is last in line. How else can this method work?
I "tiptoed" through the detour which was rough and rutted. Eventually when I got out on the other side, several cars overtook me which made me smile. They would have to stop and wait at the next stop which was only a few kilometres ahead.
Sure enough, when I got to the next “Stop/Go” traffic control, all the cars which had sped past me were waiting in front of me! I pulled up behind a beautiful large C-class Mercedes. I could see by the license plate that it was this year’s model. As I watched, I saw a soft drink/soda can fly out of the passenger side window. Now, anyone who is South Africa will know that this country, as beautiful as it is, has a huge litter problem. We have landfills of garbage at the entrances/exits of all the towns and cities and our roads are often littered with bottles, cans, plastic bags and fast food cartons.
I pressed my horn but the occupants of the car obviously didn’t hear me. I was just toying with the idea of going to the car window and asking him to please pick up his can when the driver opened his door, got out and walked to the back of the car. He opened the boot/trunk and removed an attaché case. Aha, I thought, an intelligent young man. I leaned out of my car window and, after greeting him, told him that his passenger had dropped a can out of the car window. He nodded and turned back to the boot. I opened my door, leaned further out and asked him politely if he’d like me to pick up the can and place it in his car boot. He turned to look at me and when he saw I was serious, he walked to the can, picked it up and placed it in his boot. I thanked him profusely and we parted friends!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Pursuing More of Jesus Part 3

Pursue more of His love in your home
As you give Jesus more of your heart, He will fill it with more of His love and that will overflow into the lives of the people with whom you interact each day. When you allow God’s love to flow through you, it will empower you to love even those people who are difficult for you to love. There are people whose personalities or behaviour make them seem completely incompatible with you. Rather than avoiding or tolerating difficult people, choosing to show God’s love to them will bless you in the process. At the same time God will use them to grind off the weak edges of your character to make you stronger. Ask Jesus to help you love people sacrificially. Instead of loving only those people who meet your needs, with whom you get along, who make you feel good, who do things for you, who give you things you want, who respond with love, and whom you like, choose to demonstrate to love everyone, regardless of whether or not you like them or how they respond to you. When you love someone sacrificially, your act of love becomes an act of worshipping Jesus.
Pursue more of His courage in your convictions:
Be willing to stand out and speak up for Jesus in all areas of your life and with whoever you meet. Take a strong public stand for the uniqueness of who Jesus is; for the truth of the whole Bible. Be prepared for the necessity to live a life of integrity, purity and humility in order to please God. Rather than live a lifestyle that simply blends with that of non-believers, show people the difference that your relationship with Jesus makes with your attitude and actions. Pray for the courage to stand by Biblical convictions when others pressure you to be complacent or politically correct. Ask the Holy Spirit to use your conversations with others to glorify God in whatever ways He guides you to do so. No matter how much pressure you encounter to compromise your convictions, decide that you will never give up, shut up or let up, because of your love for Jesus.
Pursue more of Hs nearness in your loneliness:
When you feel lonely remember that Jesus is always with you. Pray for more awareness of His presence close to you and take comfort in it. Although other people may sometimes abandon or disappoint you, Jesus is always there for you. Remember that Jesus is much more than just a man, prophet, teacher, preacher, icon or symbol. Jesus is God Himself and He loves you!
Pursue more of His answers to your prayers:
It’s an incredible privilege to be able to go to God at any time and in any place with your prayers. Jesus has promised that when you ask Him for anything according to His will and believing in His power to act, He will answer. Whenever your prayers seem to go unanswered or turn out opposite to what you asked God to do (such as when you prayed for your career and you are laid off; you pray for a loved one’s healing and he/she dies) trust God anyway. It's difficult, but with His grace, you can do it. Remember that His ways are not your ways, and He will act according to what’s best for you from His unlimited perspective on every situation.
Pursue more of His glory on your knees:
Embrace God’s purpose for your life single-mindedly and wholeheartedly. Stay focussed on what God wants for your life and do all you can to fulfil that purpose well. Let your determination to do the work God has for you, lead you to make wise choices like: less sleep, more prayer; less TV, more studying God’s Word; less shopping and more tithing; less eating and more worship. Serve God faithfully to glorify Him every day.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
A Formidable Lady Refected
I took this photo from the church we attend when visiting John and Debbie in the Drakensberg.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Red-Headed Finches at Sunset