Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Marsh Owl

Driving between our hometown and the nearest city over the past 22 years, we've often seen an owl on the fence along the road. Last week Grant stopped and I was able to photograph it.

Marsh Owl

The Marsh Owl is active late afternoons and early morning; often seen on fence pole (see my images!) It's a locally common resident. Its habitat is tall open woodland and broad-leafed bushveld. The Marsh Owl eats mainly small rodents. Its call is a grating croak, like tearing canvas. Breeding habits: it's monogamous. It nests in a shallow pad concealed under grass tuft.  

I'm linking to Wild Bird Wednesday here


  1. Hello!:) What lovely photos of the Marsh Owl. I've never heard of this owl before.

  2. Sometimes those owls do sit still and give us a chance. Even so, we have to be quick off the mark, set the camera to the right speed and exposure, frame the shot and then click the button before it flies. You got it right Jo.

  3. Great photos!
    I hardly ever see owls, but I know they are around.

  4. Cool photos. I would never see an owl on the side of the road here.

  5. he is a goreous litle Owl and one I have not even seen.

  6. What a wonderful bird - I love owls!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Darwin

  7. Sweet shots. Gorgeous owl.

  8. Whoa!!! Cool owl! I've never heard of the Marsh Owl. What a treat!


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