Sunday, February 28, 2021

The Hedges KItties

 Good evening to Mum's blogger friends. This is Ambrose and at last I have a turn to post about we kitties in the house. Skabby, the dog has happily been on a walk, so Mum will post about him later.

Chappie and Missy sit in the garden and watch birds
When Mama isn't in the bedroom, I catch a catnap on Mum's bed 
Mama always looks very stern; I am afraid of her

So all is well in the Hedges Kitty Household! 

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Visitors in the garden

 Good afternoon dear Blogger friends. It's been raining, raining and raining some more this week. The result is Skabby and I cannot get out for a walk, Not at all.

I delved back into my archives and found photos to post today. At the bottom of my garden is a shed where calves are sometimes held to gain mass. Noy for any dire reasons, but that they are in condition when they join the older cows who graze all day and are milked twice daily.

One morning a few months ago, I walked out onto my veranda to see two calves grazing on my lawn and in my vegetable garden. Skabby was just about to chase them but I called him and he came in immediately. 

As you see, Skabby was coming indoors (not willingly I might add!) and the calves were still in the garden 
Quite at home nibbling the tasty shoots in my garden

Gavin, the farmer, arranged for the farm hands to shoo the calves back through the hole they'd made in the fence and repair it. 

I miss our walks as much as Skabby does . While browsing through my pictures, I came across this series of photos of him swimming in the dam.

A happy dog!

I'm linking to Saturday Critters with Eileen here


Sunday, February 21, 2021

Hedges animal world intact

 Good morning to Mum's Blogger friends; this is Ambrose with a post about the Hedges kitties and dog.

As always we're very well cared for, loved, fed and housed. Although, I must say, I have slept outdoors on the veranda for a L O N G time now. It's very hot and every night I ask Mum to let me out and I sleep on a patio cushioned chair. Under the folds of the tablecloth.

During the day I like to rule the roost by sitting on Mum's new fridge or posing like a lion on the kitchen floor. 

I, Ambrose with my bossy look 

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Our first walk in a week!

 Good afternoon dear Blogger friends. After the heavy rains in the first two weeks of February, it was impossible for me to walk along the farm roads. Skabby would have been fine but he needs me with him. 

Great excitement at 7am today: We went out for our first walk since last Saturday. 

Skabby elated that we're on the road again! 
We passed two little boys who had brought "skaftin" : lunchbox for their mom who works in the diary 

As we approached the dam, I told Skabby heel. I didn't want him plunging in as he always does because there was a family of Egytptian geese swimming at the far end (My dog is very obedient; he bounded off to the other side of the road to sniff at exciting things in the long grass while Mum took photos) 

Father goose (gander) at the rear watching for danger; Mother goose ahead and the seven goslings swimming ahead of their parents 
I zoomed in on one adventurous gosling. He had to swim upstream! 

When I saw the parents guiding their offspring towards the reeds,  I called Skabby who dived into the dam on the near side. They didn't even notice him! 

I'm linking to Saturday Critters with Eileen, here


Tuesday, February 16, 2021

70 and no celebration

 Dear Blogger friends. Thank you for the wonderful wishes from you all. 

The one person who always shared my birthday week, was Grant, now gone these past three years and three months. 

Today, had he lived, he would have been 70.

I remember his 60th : we were living in Kenya, in the Great Rift Valley. If you click on this link here, you will see the great montage I created for Grant. Below is just one of the interesting images from that blog post.

Bedouin Grant Hedges on an odyssey in West Africa 

When we retired to the Central Drakensberg, Grant was involved in the weekly Parkrun; he had a building project which was a week off completion when he passed away and he hiked in the mountains with friends. 

Grant and friend, Ant Muirhead chatting before a hike into the mountains 

Central Drakensberg 2017

May you be at rest now, dear Grant

I'm linking to Our World Tuesday here

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Ambrose blogging at last

 Good morning to Mum's blog friends; this is Ambrose at last. Mum has been sooooo busy at the computer that I have just lain on the fridge top and looked down on her desk. 

All is well with the Hedges Kitties and doggy. Skabby is regalated to the veranda during the day because his paws get wet from the grass and he messes the floors. 

What's that Mum? Oh RE - LA- GA- TED to the veranda. Below is the photo of him looking in while Mama sits on a small stool and looks out.

Mama looks out at Skabby looking in 

Chappy lies on the lawn watching birds...
Missy likes to relax on Mum's bed sometimes

I, Ambrose am the guard cat! 

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Amethyst Sunbird female and juvenile

 Dear Blogger friends. Thank you for your kind wishes for my birthday. I have been inundated with phone calls, WhatsApp messages and Facebook greetings. 

Just after Christmas, I saw Mama sitting on my bed and gazing out of the window. When I drew closer, I saw she was birdwatching. I grabbed my camera and managed to get several photos of a mother bird and her youngster sitting on a tree just outside the window.

Mama watching the birds outside my window 
Amethyst Sunbird, female 
Amethyst sunbird - juvenile 

During one of our cleanup sessions at The Bunker, I rescued a praying mantis sitting on the units  WiFi dongle.

 A pretty visitor on the Wifi dongle 
I carried it out and placed it on the Tecomaria on the patio

The praying mantis in a much safer habitat

I'm linking to Saturday Critters with Eileen here

Happy Saturday to you all! 


Good morning dear Blogger friends. Another year has passed and I am a year older. Today is my 68th birthday. 

Like for everyone else, the past year has been weird but I am ultra grateful that from necessity, I have discovered the joys and rewards of working online. From our first hard lockdown on 27 March 2020, the weight loss company that I work for, went virtual. 

For me this was the best thing that ever happened to me. I have founds passion and gleaned satisfaction from assisting people from all over the world, to lose weight and keep it off the healthy way.

Revisiting the fun way to alter images on the screen too, (as taught by my friend, Sandra many years ago), I add a few photos here below. 

One of the many posters I use on my status and on Facebook to promote my passion 


Saturday, February 6, 2021

White-fronted Bee-eater, African Hoopoe and beautiful scenery

Good evening dear Blogger friends. Skabby and I had to miss two days of walking this week due to rain and very heavy going. But when we did get out, we enjoyed wonderful birds, he had a good run and swam in the dam and I took photos. 
African Hoopoe regally posing while the bird in the background photobombs our image! 
A White-fronted Bee-eater 

No walk is complete without a photo of the happy boy on his daily walkies

A close-up of the wildflowers in front of Skabby in the photo above 
Woman and her dog 

A bucolic image of agriculture, a set of rusted wheels and the beautiful mountains in the distance 

I'm linking to Saturday Critters with Eileen here