Saturday, April 10, 2021

Once again...

 ... I have been absent from Blogger, but here I am again!

Life has been rather busy with our holiday season which meant many guest bookings for me. In addition I have taken over the "big" family holiday home which is under new ownership and which,  this time, is a lot easier to manage. 

Skabby and I have had a few early morning walks, catching the glint of the sun on the birds.

Cattle egret warming itself in the early morning sun
Sacred Ibis glowing in the early morning rays 
Back home in the farm office, I have a resident spider in my tea station 

An Amethyst Sunbird male drinking from a canna bloom in my garden

The Central Drakensberg has been spectacularly beautiful this autumn 
Nyati Valley Guest House - my ten sleeper holiday accommodation
Sundowner patio with a view (of the mountains pictured above this) . The new owner, Mark and his fiancé, Sue have already made great improvements to the house. The accommodation is pet friendly too 

I've had back-to-back bookings for my beautiful two sleeper unit, The Bunker 

I'm linking to Saturday Critters with Eileen here



  1. I love the Ibis and Sunbird! What a beautiful place to stay and I would love to spend time there! I can dream anyway!

  2. You have been busy.
    Love the birds and the scenery. Many thanks.

  3. Hi Jo, nice to see you back again. You captured some fantastic bird photos, well done. The guest house and the view of the mountain are beautiful. Hope you have a wonderful weekend and week. Take care and give all the kitties and Skabby a treat from me, I'm sure that they will approve. :)

  4. Hello, Jo
    It does sound like you are busy with the guest houses. I love all the beautiful birds, the Cattle Egret, Scared Ibis and the lovely Sunbird. Gorgeous views of the mountains. The Bunker looks very comfy! Great series of photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend! PS, I appreciate your visit and comment.

  5. That mountain view is extraordinary!

  6. When you disappear for a while we all know that you are really busy and that is good for the pocketbook. Glad everything is going well with your rentals

  7. That high ground certainly appeals to me.

  8. Beautiful photos! (except I cringed at that spider lol) I hope you have had a lovely vacation! :)

  9. Hi there great to see you here again. You do have a busy life still working. You are obviously doing a good job.

  10. I, too, have been absent. Welcome back.


Thank you for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave a comment. I appreciate your feedback. Jo