Saturday, August 28, 2021

Inquisitive calves

  It's been hot and windy for days. While snow is predicted on the nearby mountains! Skabby and I walked most days, and I managed to capture the young calves watching him snuffling in the grass next to the fence.

In my experience, the bovine critters are very inquisitive. If you walk up the the paddock fence, cows will come from far off to the fence to see what you are doing. This week was the first time I'd seen calves doing this. Skabby was investigating the grass polls (and munching on cow pats -ewgh) on the road so the calves inside the paddock came right up to fence to see what he was doing. 

The calves watch intently as Skabby snuffles up a tasty treat on the road ! 
When he turned back to investigate lower down on the road, the calves turned around to watch! 

I'm linking to Saturday Critters with Eileen, here


  1. It seems only fair. You look at them, they look at you.

  2. That is true. They come up to the fence when I am taking photos of them.

  3. Cows do seem to find dogs fascinating.

  4. yes the cows in the field were I have the old caravan are like that also


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