Sunday, April 17, 2022

Papa goes walkabout

 Dear Blogger friends, the Hedges kitties are doing what they do best in cold weather: hogging Mum's narrow bed and sleeping all day and night. I will be posting several dozens of post of their winter pastime. Lucky kitties. 

Meanwhile, Papa who has his forever home with my brother Philip,  not far from where I live, had settled in well. 

However, on Thursday Philip woke to find Papa had gone out in the night and still wasn't home. Oh dear. I panicked thinking he may be making for the Central Berg.

Mid-afternoon, my brother sent me a WhatsApp: Papa had just walked in, pulled his favorite cushion from the chair and settled on it.

Papa telling Unca Booch that he just took the air; what's all the fuss about? 

Papa repeated this on Thursday night and while Philip was letting me know at mid-morning on Friday, Papa walked in and curled himself around Philip's ankle. 

Friday night he slept all night in the linen cupboard - a favorite spot of his. This cat knows how to make himself at home:) And spent all day sleeping. 

I have not heard from Philip about last night, but it rained all day on Saturday and last night, so perhaps the cat will decide to stay warm and dry from now on.



  1. Cute post, I am glad Papa is home and safe. Take care, have a happy new week!

  2. so happy to hear Papa is safe at home. it is not safe out there but a cat is a cat. he is so beautiful


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