I'm currently writing my blog from my cottage in the Drakensberg, Champagne Valley, Kwa-Zulu Natal; South Africa
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Precious Moments
Friday, October 30, 2009
Blue Skies and Rain Clouds

While here in South Africa, we're enjoying the beautiful summer weather. Blue skies, with clouds forming in the afternoon and thunder showers almost every day.
For more skies across the world, see here.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Sowing the Word

Earlier this week, my husband and I spent the night in a chalet in the Golden Gate National Park. I normally check in the bedside drawer to see if the customary Bible is there; as always, I was not disappointed. The Gideon's Association places Bibles in many establishments across the world: hospitals, dentists, doctors' consulting rooms, schools, and not least of all, guest houses and bed and breakfast accommodation.
Recently I did a little research on how the spreading of God's Word came about in this manner and this is what I found:
In the autumn of the year 1898, John H. Nicholson of Janesville, Wisconsin, came to the Central Hotel at Boscobel, Wisconsin, for the night. The hotel being crowded, it was suggested that he take a bed in a double room with Samuel E. Hill of Beloit, Wisconsin. The two men soon discovered that both were Christians, and that John Nicholson, as a 12-year-old boy, had promised his dying mother that he would read God's Word and pray daily. It had been his custom for many years to read the Bible before retiring for the night. They had their evening devotions together, and on their knees before God the thoughts were given which later developed into an association.
On May 31, 1899, they met at Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, concluded to band Christian commercial travelers together for mutual recognition, personal evangelism, and united service for the Lord. They decided to call a meeting in Janesville, Wisconsin on July 1, 1899, in the Y.M.C.A.
Only three men were present at that meeting: John H. Nicholson, Samuel E. Hill, and Will J. Knights. They organized with Hill as president, Knights as vice president, and Nicholson as secretary and treasurer. Much thought was given to what the name of the association should be, and after special prayer that God might lead them to select the proper name, Mr. Knights arose from his knees and said, "We shall be called Gideons." He read the sixth and seventh chapters of Judges and showed the reason for adopting that name.
Gideon was a man who was willing to do exactly what God wanted him to do, regardless of his own judgment as to the plans or results. Humility, faith, and obedience were his great elements of character. This is the standard that the Gideon association is trying to establish in all its members, each man to be ready to do God's will at any time, at any place, and in any way that the Holy Spirit leads.
In view of the fact that almost all of the Gideons in the early years of the association were traveling men, the question quite naturally arose regarding how they might be more effective witnesses in the hotels where they were forced to spend so much of their time. One suggestion was that a Bible might be placed at the reception desk in each hotel so that the patrons would have the privilege of borrowing it if they wished. It also occurred to these men that this would be a silent witness remaining in these hotels when they were elsewhere.
This question of advanced activities, as they called them, was carefully considered in the Cabinet meeting held in Chicago, October 19, 1907. One trustee went so far as to suggest that The Gideons furnish a Bible for each bedroom of the hotels in the United States. He commented," In my opinion, this would not only stimulate the activities of the rank and file of the membership, but would be a gracious act, wholly in keeping with the divine mission of the Gideon Association." This plan was adopted by the convention at Louisville, Kentucky, in 1908.
It is interesting to note that the practice of the churches contributing to the support of the Gideon Scripture program originated with a pastor. Just two months after the 1908 Louisville Convention, a state convention convened in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. National Secretary Frank Garlick and Mr. A. B. T. Moore attended a meeting of the Ministerial Union, and after their program they asked if Brother Garlick could address the ministers on the work of the Gideon Association. He spoke of the needed Bible distribution, and at the close of his 10-minute address, Mr. Moore's own pastor, Dr. E. R. Burkhalter, First Presbyterian Church, arose and moved, "...that Gideon Bibles be placed in all local hotels and that the Union be responsible for the funds." The motion was unanimously carried and a committee appointed to apportion the cost to the churches, according to their strength.
Thus the idea of the Gideon ministry as an "extended arm" of the church came into being, and the church took an initial stand to give financial support to the Bible placement program. The Gideon association praised God for the revelation of His plan whereby the local church would supply the needed funds.
"The sower soweth the word."(Mark 4:14)
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Still in South Africa

Above is a wild iris (Dietes bicolor) which flourishes beside my large garden pond
It is now almost six weeks since we flew out of Khartoum to come home on break. We are STILL waiting for my husband's resident's permit. That's Africa for you...
Meanwhile I'm enjoying the explosion of colour, textures and fragrances in my garden.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Bean there, done that...
A while ago the whole family went to the city on business. While there we had breakfast in a quaint little coffee shop/restaurant in the shopping centre. This cosy and well-run place is called "Bean there" and serves traditional South African beverages, light meals and snacks.

Now that we've discovered this delightful eatery, we will definitely be using it regularly when in the city.
For other worlds, click here.
Monday, October 26, 2009
The Whole Armour of God

Stand firm, putting on the study belt of truth and the body armour of God's righteousness. For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News, so that you will be fully prepared. In every battle you will need faith as your shield to stop the fiery arrows aimed at you by Satan. Put on salvation as your helmet and take the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. (Ephesians 6: 13a - 17)
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Frogging Season Again

For more pet posts around the world, click here.
My Garden Scene
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Young Bikers

Friday, October 23, 2009
Ethereal Beauty

Last week while walking under one of these trees on the sidewalk just beyond my garden, I looked up at the sky. This image begged to be captured on film.
For more skies around the world, click here.

For more skies around the world, click here.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Little People
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Walking the Dogs

Monday, October 19, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Another Pet in the House

For more on pets around the world, click here.
Top of the Ladder

This photo of the "little" 'Berg (as the foothills of the Drakensberg are known) is taken from the top of Jacob's Ladder. My son, John took this photo a few months ago while hiking in the 'Berg.
For more scenes around the world, click here.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
The Littlest Angel

I've not been able to post or visit Blogger for more than a week. This is due to a number of factors: a busy daily schedule, my husband and I travelling around the country, having my own laptop in for repairs and locally, the Internet being down for the first half of this week! How's that for a long list of excuses? (lol!)
We are still in South Africa awaiting my husband's visa into the Sudan. This should be finalised by next Thursday. As soon as we have this document in hand, I will re-book our flights and hopefully we'll be on our way back to North Africa by the end of the month.
Meanwhile, we have enjoyed amazingly quality family time with our children and grandchildren. Last week I snuck into the nursery and took a few photos of the youngest family member, as she was falling asleep. We gave her the cuddly lamb when we first came home and as small as she is, she latched onto it as a sort of "security blanket". Both the older grandchildren cuddled a toy elephant, named "Ellie". This little one also has an "Ellie" in bed with her, but she had her arm around the lamb here, obviously her favourite.
I hope to clock in and visit other blogs over the next two days. Till then, have a wonderful weekend, everybody.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Nude Valley?

For more sky posts across the world, click here.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Beautiful skies,a special young man
Above is a photo of our older son, John cutting grass on their land in the Drakensberg. I thought I'd share the different colours of the grass, mountains in the distance and beautiful skies above.
For more skies around the world, click here.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Man proposes but God disposes...

While I'm pleased to have a little more time at home, especially with our precious family, I'm a type of person who likes things to go according to plan. Now I have to exercise patience and make good use of the remaining time here at home.
At the same time, my trusty laptop suddenly started doing strange things last week. It would turn off while I was in the middle of blogging. It would turn on again and most times my e-mails would "hang" Our younger son, Angus, who is the IT specialist in the area, has taken my machine home. He will let me know tomorrow what the outcome of his diagnosis is. I have been a bit stressed out about this, and once again, I have had to trust God.
I am using John's desktop computer whenever it is free.
Meanwhile, my husband and I are travelling up to Johannesburg on Friday. He has business to attend to there.
To bring a little serenity and normalcy into my life, I have posted a beautiful photo which John took in the Drakensberg mountains a few months ago.
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