Including the bathrooms...

Clarice, my gorgeous, wild and very vocal cat, poses on the pool table in front of my provencal clock
I’m serious; I really love to know what the time is so I need to be able to look up at the clock on the wall and see the time.
Yes, I know: crazy.
Hold on; it gets crazier!
Having become au fait with the Internet over the years, and corresponding with many people all over the world, I decided I needed to know what the time was in their parts of the world!
I have seven clocks in my office which show me the time zones in various parts of the world.
I told you! Really crazy, huh?

The seven wall clocks in my office depicting various time zones around the world
The large grey clock with a black face at 5 past 3 (15h05) is South African time. The light grey clock below it which says 5 past 4 (16h05) is the time in Tanzania where my friend, Lynda lives. The white clock below the SA clock, standing at 5 past 2 (14h05) is European time, (Paris, France) where my new blogging friend, Dedene, lives. The black clock in the bottom left corner of the photo, is UK (England) time where my dear sister, Rose, lives. It is also the time in Niger, West Africa, where Esther is making an amazing difference.
Directly above the black clock, the time in Texas, Houston is depicted on the silver framed clock; it's 5 past 7 in the morning. (07h05). My writer/poet friend, Eleyne , lives there. The clock above this (white face and frame) says 5 past 8 (08h05) in Pennsylvania. My dear friend, Lynda, published author, lives there. The clock at the top of the photo is the time in Australia's Northern Territory, 20 to 11 (22h40) which is 7 ½ ahead of South African time. To date, I know no-one there. If there are any visitors to this post, who live there, please let me know. To all my other wonderful friends in the rest of the world, know that I know what the time is in your part of the world at any given time!?!
As you can imagine, these clocks are a conversation piece whenever people visit. The night before my son got married last year, he said he didn’t want to look at this collection of clocks as he’d surely be late for his wedding!
Currently my husband is preparing to go and work in the Sudan. The time there is an hour ahead of South Africa. So from now on, the clock which depicts the time in Tanzania, will also let me know what time it is in North Africa where dear hubby is.
Jo, although I've known about your clocks for sometime now, it's lovely to hear about them & which time zone each one represents - I think it's an excellent idea ! I love time-keeping and also have clocks in almost every room. I've wanted a clock in my bathroom for ages now (so when relaxing in the bath I know what the time is - especially if I don't want to miss something on TV !) .... but my problem is this - I can't bear "tick tock tick tock" at night when I'm trying to sleep, & as ours is an en suite bathroom ... oh my, what to do as I don't think you can get big non-ticking wall clocks and I'm not too keen on digital .....
ReplyDeleteThanks for another great post :)
Hi Lynda, I KNEW you'd recognised my clock collection ;) I simply love to know the time! You do get wall clocks which do not tick-tock. I'm looking out for one for you! Hugs Jo