Saturday, April 16, 2011

Rose garden update mid-April

This photo shows how healthy and happy the rose bush is. Note the strong green leaves, new maroon shoots, the blooms and of course, the buds in the background

For those of you who follow my blog, you will know that I garden with primarily indigenous plants, especially back in South Africa. However, having moved into a company house with a largely exotic garden, about a month ago, I noticed a rather neglected rose garden under the bedroom window. Not being one to nurture exotics, especially if they have to be sprayed and pampered in any way, I would not normally have taken on the challenge. But I did with the intention of not ever using pesticides (I haven't and won't!)  and you can read about the beginnings of my rose garden here.

Our bedroom window can be seen to the left of the photo. This is the sight which greets me when I look out in the morning

No sooner had Stanley and I revamped the whole bed, pruned each bush and added compost to the newly dug dams around each stem, and the rain came down. It rained for about ten days, so my roses have no excuse but to flourish. I have been pleasantly surprised by the healthy leaves, new shoots and many rose blooms which these shrubs are yielding.

Beautiful rosebud on another healthy bush

When we revamped the rose bed last month, Stanley and I lifted and transplanted a small rosebush. We'd found it underneath an hibiscus shrub and it was listless and stunted. See below when we transplanted it last month.

If you look very hard, you will see the stick of a rosebush we planted here...

I didn't think it would take, but here is evidence to the contrary...


Yesterday while working alongside Stanley in the garden, I spotted a very tiny rosebush seemingly growing out of the baobab tree roots. Stanley lifted it and we planted it close to the original successfully transplanted rosebush from last month

I was thrilled to see white rosebuds emerging this week. I picked two for a candlelight dinner Grant and I had on Friday night. (More about that next week)

Thanks to all who continue to read and comment on my blog. I hope you're having a wonderful weekend. Bless you!


  1. How wonderful, Jo -- your roses are beautiful, and I just know your newest transplant will become a healthy bush!
    Luv, K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  2. Rose is dankbare blomme! Lovely blooms.

  3. For someone who is not keen on exotics you've done a fabulous job at renovating the rose garden. The blooms and photos are stunning. Well done Mrs Green thumb.

  4. What a wonderful result !

  5. Lovely roses. I simply love roses and pansies...two very different blossoms. Thank you for your recent visit to my blog and your prayers. I won't be blogging or visiting many blogs for awhile as I'm in the city where mom lives. We made it here safely last night around 8 p.m. and promptly had to buy a phone charger before stopping at the hospital where we waited 45 minutes before being allowed in to visit. I can't tell you how relieved I was to hear mom talking. She had been in very bad shape. I will be here for a few days as I visit mom and monitor things. Blessings.

  6. Oh, Jo! This is an amazing transformation...your blooms are gorgeous! Just shows what some love will do for everything on earth! Ginger is thriving, the garden is blossoming...all under your loving care! Well done!

  7. What a fantastic job with the roses. We love them. Ours are growing and greening with just the smallest of buds starting to appear.

    Darryl and Ruth : )

  8. Well done Lady! Beautiful rescued roses there. God is in the rescue and renewal business for sure. May Kenya and it's people be touched and blessed through you care.

  9. Love your roses, Jo. As you know, we grow roses also... Ours are just beginning to grow now that spring is here. Can't wait to see some beautiful blooms on ours also. Yours are GREAT.

  10. Those little translpanted rosebushes are tough, resilient and beautiful, too. Your animals and plants thrive under your tender loving care, Jo!


Thank you for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave a comment. I appreciate your feedback. Jo